Chiropractic Examination

About Chiropractic Examination

The first visit is to assess whether chiropractic can help. Before providing treatment , we must first perform a thorough examination of your condition. If we feel that we can not help you, we will not hesitate to refer you to a specialist or other professional. A chiropractor may proceed with a variety of methods to determine the spinal segments that require chiropractic care, including a static motion palpation techniques determining spinal segments that are hypo mobile (restricted in their movement) or fixated. Depending on the results of the above examination, a chiropractor may use additional diagnostic tests.

We Focus on You

The most important part of your exam is the initial consultation, that is to say the ANAMNESIS . A good doctor will take the time to listen carefully your story and check your medical history . We will go through all of your symptoms and discuss what improves or aggravates your condition and determine what you have done to date and what remains to be done.


  • Postural Assessment
  • Assessment of foot arches
  • Static and dynamic palpation (with motion)
  • Muscular evaluation (strength, flexibility , length, etc. )
  • Orthopedic examination (muscles, joints, ligaments, discs)
  • Neurological examination (nerves , eyes, balance , etc. )
  • Paraspinal Thermography- computerized
  • EMG
  • Paraspinal Surface Electromyography
  • X-rays , often necessary


  • Digital Biomechanical analysis of foot arches
  • Thermography surface paraspinal ( Neuro Calo meter ), which evaluate the imbalances of the autonomous nervous system ( STRESS )
  • EMG – electromyography of surface area that evaluates musculars tension or the neuromuscular imbalances – Radiology Laboratory here at the clinic.

Business Hours


8:15 am to 1 pm


8:15 am to 1 pm
3 pm to 8:30 pm


10 am to 1 pm


8:15 am to 1 pm
3 pm to 8:30 pm





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